
Chi Medics via the feet and body: based upon the Chinese Philosophy, including aspects of Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM).
Where the wisdom of the East meets the practicality of the
West to expand the boundaries of Therapies, Knowledge and Education
Discover the difference
Chi Medics is now based in Boston, Lincolnshire, UK, and they deliver the FHT accredited Chi Medics Practitioner Qualification, along with Professional CPD training. There are many resources and courses to explore on the website
We are specialists in Chi Medics and the Chi Medics approach to Clinical Reflexology and Chi-Reflexology. It is the only training facility in the world to offer this unique training.
The philosophy of our training is a simple one – to provide high quality educational opportunities via the best possible, most up-to-date and far-reaching professional training.
Moss Arnold and Sharon Windle, the co-originators, have over 60 years of combined Clinical Experience to share. They are both still actively exploring and researching their field for continued growth and understanding.
Training is an important business investment, it is of the utmost importance to us that you thrive in our respectful, engaging and encouraging educational environment.
We offer strong educational foundations using our up to date knowledge along with our extensive clinical experience.
You will receive positive mentoring throughout your learning, we aim to encourage progress using your supervised experiential learning.
You can enhance your skills through the complete Chi Medics Therapy, professional training over six levels, this is an Federation of Holistic Therapies, (FHT) Accredited Qualification. Chi Medics – Via the Feet Practitioners are taught through a comprehensive curriculum, which takes on average just over one year to reach the Level 6 FHT accredited qualification.
Or choose from our variety of valuable one day training events. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Courses are perfect for qualified Reflexologists, healthcare professionals and complementary therapists, to enhance their skill level and understanding.
For our selection of courses and details:
For the Training Calendar, please use this link:
For all course bookings:
The depth and breadth of this education affords the practitioner the use of unique knowledge to address a person on all levels using respectful and specific techniques, via the feet.
The world of Chi Medics can open the door for you to thoroughly explore and learn. We can answer your questions and also invoke your thirst for more. You can evolve and expand on your own journey in your own time. We are honoured to be there with you every step of the way.
Browse our website pages for a full picture of Chi Medics!
Moss Arnold and Chi Medics
Moss Arnold BA Dip. Ed., Dip. FR, Dip. OM, Dip. TCM, the founder and Principal of the Australian College of Chi-Reflexology, originator of Clinical, Chi-Reflexology and co-originator of Chi Medics
The history of Chi Medics™ began with Moss’ study of Chinese History and Philosophy at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia in the early 1970s combined with Moss studying natural therapies in the 1980s and early 90s. When he first left high school teaching and started his natural therapies practice in the Blue Mountains, Australia, where he began his Chi Medics™ journey.
Sharon Windle and Chi Medics
Sharon Windle formerly the Assistant Principal of the Australian College of Chi-Reflexology, Principal WA Branch of the Australian College of Chi-Reflexology, Diploma of Chi-Reflexology, Diploma of Clinical Reflexology, Cert IV TAE (Trainer & Assessor), and co-originator of Chi Medics.
Sharon studied Clinical Reflexology and Chi-Reflexology with Moss in mid-2000s, attaining both Diplomas.
In 2010 Sharon moved back to the Blue Mountains and started working more closely with Moss professionally.
Together they continued to expand and deepen their understanding of Chi Medics and enjoy the interaction and mentoring of their participants.
See what participants are saying:
There are some wonderful 5 Star rated verified reviews on Trust Pilot,
Really enjoyed Level 1 Chi-Medic’s…
Really enjoyed Level 1 Chi-Medic’s course – challenged my thinking about reflexology treatments and have had the opportunity to put some of what I’ve learnt into action. Lots still to learn !
Excellent practical teaching from Moss and Sharon and loved learning about the history of Classical Chinese Medicine which brought everything coherently together.
Great support offered during and after the course.
Thank you !
Date of experience: July 03, 2024

Where the wisdom of the East meets the practicality of the
West to expand the boundaries of Therapies, Knowledge and Education

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Chi Medics -Via the Feet Professional Training
The Ki of Life