Moss Arnold BA Dip. Ed., Dip. FR, Dip. OM, Dip. TCM, Acupressure and Reflexology Therapist, Formerly an Accredited member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS), Reflexology Association of Australia (RAoA), MAR, the founder and Principal of the Australian College of Chi-Reflexology (originator of Clinical, Chi-Reflexology and Chi Medics) Co-originator of Chi Medics. Professional Reflexology, FHT Member.
The history of Chi Medics began with Moss’ study of Chinese History and Philosophy at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia in the early 1970s combined with Moss studying natural therapies in the 1980s and 90s, when he first left high school teaching and started his natural therapies practice in the Blue Mountains within Australia, where he began his Chi Medics journey.
Through his desire to assist human beings furthermore his abhorrence with causing pain, he began to explore with his clients to develop a unique, new approach to the therapeutic situation. He used his logic, knowledge and intuition to learn to work through the feet and with the body to enhance and improve his understanding and skills for the benefit of his clients.
Their feedback has been invaluable and in many respects are the true originators of Chi Medics. He initially developed many of the Chi Medics techniques on the body and then applied them to the feet consequently expanding his understanding and at this stage called it Chi-Reflexology. It simply means energy (western) foot therapy, and began to share his approach with others. This was also shared within his own College – the Australian College of Chi-Reflexology, and around the world. The truth is he used the framework of Reflexology to put his approach together, and shared only the foot therapy aspects at this point in time. However, in his own clinic he continued to develop both foot and body techniques, now known as Chi Medics.
The Ki of Life