Discover the difference
We are specialists in Chi Medics, Clinical and Chi-Reflexology and the only training facility in the world to offer this unique training.
Chi Medics can be applied to the Reflexology profession but just as easily to Health Care professionals, Nurses, Massage therapists & Body Therapy industries. Further, the advanced training’s flexibility and depth allows for an expansion in your workplace. This could give your business a leading edge while improving results with clients. The training is at the forefront of the profession again leading the way further through continual improvement of the therapy, the development of new techniques and applications and research.
Prerequisite: Qualified Therapists, Reflexologists and Health care Professionals
The content of Chi Medics: via the Feet 6 Levels will include:
NOTE: For each Level after the 1st, the practical skills from previous modules will be refined and improved in each of the training days.
At the end of each Level participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance for proof of Continuing Professional Development plus your Chi Medics Level logo to display
Upon completion of the ALL 6 Chi Medics via the Feet Levels and satisfactory completion of Case Studies and other Assessment Tasks, you will gain your Certificate of Chi Medics via the Feet Practitioner,
Prerequisite: Qualified Reflexologists and Foot Care Therapists or healthcare providers
Chi Medics Full Professional Training- Levels 1 to 6 A Total of 17 Days Training
FHT Accredited Qualification
(Level 1 can be incorporated into your Clinic sessions immediately, as it is a stand alone course)
Level 1 Two (2) Day Training Course
Where you train is important, we are specialists with many years of clinical and training experience and as such, we are proud to offer our training in a professional, caring and supportive environment.
Positive mentoring will assist you to expand on all levels, now you can invest in Chi Medics advanced techniques and they can be immediately added to your sessions.
Using the Organ Chi Points through the feet are a powerful addition to your sessions, we show you the locations, the uses and the sequence used in a Standard Balance.
The Standard balance is an excellent addition to conclude a treatment as it works through the body for approximately 24hrs, the energies are rebalanced working through the natural flow. It may also reduce any adverse treatment responses (healing crisis).
There’s an introduction for you to begin to understand the body’s messages (symptoms), effective ways to work and understand the responses. We demonstrate how to work ‘with’ the body to optimise a natural positive healing response.
In this module, an excellent beginning of your Chi Medics journey, you will gain an understanding of the theoretical foundations of Chi Medics and the unique techniques,
Level 1 includes:
We include plenty of time for practical demonstration and participants to practice; there is no digit strain with this approach. We look forward to meeting you and being a part of your Chi Medics journey!
Chi-Medics is forging ahead, we can share your journey offering years of experience, passion and expertise to give you a cutting edge for your business. It is a knowledgeable and unique way of working with a person.
Level 2 Six (6) One Day Training
* Level 2 (6 one-day zoom) – Chi Medics Treatment techniques for each of the energies/Chi of the body and a thorough exploration of each Energy & Phase. We also add the Clinical Reflexes to the appropriate Energy.
Level 3 One (1) Day Training
* Level 3 (one-day zoom) – The Two Chinese Clocks, continuing supervised practical components and guided scenarios.
Level 4 Four (4) One Day Training
* Level 4 (4 one-day zoom) – Advanced Chi Medics Treatment technique, continuing supervised practical components and guided scenarios.
Level 5 Two (2) One Day Training
* Level 5 (2 one day zoom) – Chi Medics Five Phases Chi Diagnostics
Level 6 Two (2) Day Retreat, Theory and Practical Exams
* Level 6 (2-day Retreat) –Meeting face to face for a fabulous weekend. Including supervised Practise, Theory and Practical Assessments, a Group Evening Meal, and the Chi Medics Practitioners presentation.
Please click the button below to view our Training Dates
Excellent educational resources for beginners through to professional practitioners. Easy to follow and informative Moss guides you from Clinical Reflexology, Chi-Reflexology to the new work of Chi-Medics
Where you train is important. We are specialists with many years of clinical and training experience. And as such we are proud to offer our training in a professional and caring and supportive environment. Positive mentoring will assist you to expand on all levels.
You will experience the educational quality and enthusiasm the moment you contact us. With the variety of learning options available and with close consultation we provide the highest standard of support and continuity.
Chi Medics are continually aiming to improve the training and method of delivery so that as many as possible anywhere in the world can have access to the information, via literature as well as DVDs & assessment.
We are qualified and highly motivated and experienced trainers. We offer a unique educational opportunity which aims to encourage the development of free-thinking and knowledgeable and independent therapists who are able of making decisions for the benefit of their clients. You can develop a variety of theoretical and practical skills that you can call on as needed.
Training is a very important investment; our commitment to your learning will enable you to have access to us, we have mentored many people along their journey, we are always there to help and assist during and after your training. You may discover things about yourself furthermore make deep friendships with participants and staff. Like many alumni you can start a lifelong connection with us and Chi-Medics.
Welcome aboard!
Kind regards Moss and Sharon
Training from Chi Medics is designed for all natural therapists and health care providers to expand their clinical, energy diagnostic and treating techniques, for the benefit of their patients/clients. It can be used as an additional specific approach or as a stand-alone therapy. Its flexibility is in the fact that it can be easily added to any therapy.
All the techniques learnt are gentle and powerful and yet quickly performed. Once learnt it can be applied in minutes or at the same time used as a full treatment in itself.
About 40% of the training time is spent on theory and 60 on practical skills development, with the emphasis on skill development. So at the end of each level, skills can be taken away and used immediately.
The training incorporates prerequisite study information before each training day so that participants are well prepared for the personal learning during each module attended. Consequently making the theory easier to understand and apply. There will also be Assessment Tasks and case studies to complete in-between each training day to reinforce the learning outcomes of each module.
The Training is flexible! You can complete each level as it suits you and your business.
The Chi Medics training
Prerequisite: Qualified Therapists, Reflexologists and Health care Providers
At the end of each Level participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance for proof of Continuing Professional Development plus your Chi Medics Level logo to display
Upon completion of the ALL 6 Chi Medics via the Feet Levels and satisfactory completion of Case Studies and other Assessment Tasks, you will gain your Certificate of Chi Medics via the Feet Practitioner,
Prerequisite: Chi Medics: via the Feet Certificate or qualification in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapies. (To be applied for in writing to Moss and Sharon beforehand).
Pre-reading: Chi-eBook and Chi Medics Theory DVD
These Units expand on the Chi Medics via the Body theory. Including the diagnostics and applies this knowledge and understanding to the body with practical applications.
The content of Chi Medics: via the Feet 6 Levels will include:
NOTE: For each Level after the 1st, the practical skills from previous modules will be refined and improved in each of the training days.
The content of Chi Medics: via the Body 6 Units will include:
Linkage and Advanced Linkage Techniques
At the end of each Unit, participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance for proof of Continuing Professional Development.
Upon completion of the ALL 6 Chi Medics via the Body Units and satisfactory completion of Case Studies and other Assessment Tasks. Participants will be issued with a Certificate of Chi Medics via the Body which will enable participants to:
With written permission from Moss and Sharon, and copy of such uses also permission to use Chi Medics: via the Feet and the Body in advertising and promotions. Furthermore allowing them to include in their promotions that they have a Certificate in Chi Medics™ via the Feet and via the Body (as applicable).
A Diploma of Chi Medics will be available for those interested in a qualification which will include:
The Diploma of Chi Medics will entitle the receiver to:
· Call themselves of Chi Medics practitioner/ therapists
· Use Chi Medics in their qualifications
· Include Chi Medics™ in their promotions, with written permission from Moss Arnold and Sharon Windle and copy of said promotions supplied to us.
The Ki of Life